Monday, July 19, 2010

I don't have a perfect family, neither is my life perfect. I just want a simple life without all these drama, I just yearn for the things I do to be happy, is it really that hard?

Things are happening one after another, it will and it won't stop. That's the fact you got to accept. One day I will, maybe just not now, yet.


j. said...

stranger. you sound really depressed. hope everything gets better for you. eventually, eventually, things will be ok. hang on. rmb you're still breathing.

C said...

Are you the same person as the one who've posted in the previous post? May I know who are you? Thank you anyway (:

j. said...

im just someone who understands how you feel. ur entries somehow applies to me in certain parts of my life. like a mirror of my thoughts. im not someone whose in ur socialcircle. btw. corrine's a v.v.v.v.sweet name. (:

C said...

I see.. Then may I know how did you actually come to know about my blog? Thank you so much J. Really appreciate it. It would be really nice to know your real initial! By the way, my name's spell as Corinne! ((: I too, hope everything's fine for you too on your side! (:

jlzw. said...

oh corinne. ic hah. we actually talked before . saw ur blog thru ur facebook info. the same place i recognized who u are. we're semi-strangers lol. yea things are fine on my side for now. atleast. i should say im numb alr. after 5yrs, nothing can hurt as much. even 99percent's lesser than 100 right. yea. look on the bright side. always.

C said...

Talked before?? You're really putting me on suspense! And, "the same place i recognized who u are", what does this means? :/ semi-strangers, oh my.. you're making me think of a person I don't think it's that person, because I think it's not possible, it couldn't be the person whom I'm thinking it might/could be..
5years?? "", if you ever feel like sharing. (:

j. said...

haha. the five years i mentioned isnt related to u. thats why i think our lives like a mirror as apparently we're both affectf by some shit that happened 5years ago. lol. lets talk agn. soon. take. great to see a happy you in pictures above. cheers.

C said...

haha I know it's not related no worries. I just thought you couldn't be that someone whom I'm thinking you might be, cause that person wouldn't be possibly commenting now i guess. ohh sure. you take good care too. till then. (: