Monday, September 3, 2012

Too Long.

Perhaps I should blog once a year during my birthday month, since I've been neglecting this space almost most of the time. Writings, languages, fingers and my brains doesn't seem to fit like how the clear blue horizons and the white fluffy clouds fits together so amazingly anymore.

Again, just like all other years, it's the 'BIG' day once again, one of the days I always look forward to, always.

Apart from hating the fact that you'll be 1 year older (that really sucks) and had to succumb to that, nothing else is really thatttt bad actually.

Yet it dwells upon me that I'll encounter instances of thoughts (and by that I meant every single year) like how I've craved, longed and anticipated having spent this special day of mine with that someone or with people that I know for sure will be able to make this particular day more memorable and delightful.

That day never came.

Which means I'll have to ponder and crack my brains to think of what to do, who to spend it with, and in what ways can I spend this day eventfully. I don't have an envision of when this will stop indefinitely, but I do hope and wished that it will end someday, somehow, because at times it just might seems a little too torturous to go through this process year by year.

My wish this year?

I remembered vividly I sort of stop making wishes after my 21st, it just felt like there isn't any meanings to it any longer. Just a plain, useless and additional step that isn't necessary.

Good luck, Corinne.

P.S. I'll try my very to keep this place alive once again I promise, really.

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