Monday, November 21, 2011


Always wanted to leave something here, a little every day. Even if it means just a sentence or a simple quote. But I never really got the time to do it. Maybe circumstances disallow me to do it, or I'm just plain lazy. I must say, a big part of the reason is definitely being dumbfounded every time I logged in into this space. Everything just... went blank. Literally. More than often I have thoughts almost anytime and anywhere, always wanted to pin them down somewhere, this space. Yet whenever I have the chance to do so, it's just like I'm a changed person, I no longer know what to pen down when I'm actually at it already. Strange isn't it?

Another strong urge for me to have this post, is definitely the movie "You are the Apple of my Eye." Way before the movie was aired, when I first heard about it, I knew it's going to be a big hit. I really knew it. I knew I have to catch this movie, if not I'll regret it. The trailer is enough to showcast everything, every reason for every one out there to catch this movie. The trailer touched me, it really did. It's.. just... so simple, so pure, so back to the old school days. Everything about it was just perfect. I know it might sound ridiculous, but I really think this is one fantastic movie I've ever known or watched so far. It really touched me, from the bottom of my heart. It really brought out the innocent us, the usual us, what and how everyone will feel and did go through during that moment/period of our lives.

I somehow, admire and respect the director, which is also the author of this book as well as the movie now. How he persisted not giving up the rights of this story and held on to it for so long, just because it is 'his' life story. How he perservered right till this moment to finally have a movie called his own, adding on to the fact that it is his true life story, how he had the courage to live up to his dreams, never giving up, even if it means till the last second.

Maybe till the day I die, I will never get to be in a part of something like this movie, something memorable, something big, something I know I'm finally able to be proud of myself, something that changes or have a little effect on someone else's life.. I really envy Gidden Ko. He's humble and truly, amazing.

How his story, surprisingly, amazingly, strangely and coincidentally, matched up to mine, it's really similar. How it triggered every single sense of you. Your thoughts, your memories, your emotions, your sight, your imagination, everthing. Perhaps thats also why and how I am really touched by this movie because it's just so.. close to my story, my life story. So similiar, that I find it hard to believe. Something, so close to our hearts.

I kept thinking, what if this is a real life reflection of my life in the future?

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