Saturday, September 3, 2016

One step nearer.

Always always hesitate when it comes to this. I just don't have enough courage and confidence in myself to give it a try, a shot. One moment, I might be really psyched up to really want to give it a try, but other moments, and more often than not, I always back out at the very last moment. Always. 

Sometimes I would be so convinced with myself and to tell myself that I really have to give it a try, never try, never know. I'd be so sure that "Ok, this is it. I'm definitely going to give it a shot, no matter what." It's as though nothing can stop me and that I've made up my mind. Then, again, my heart and mind and brain got the better of me, I back out, at the very very last minute again. It's as though the angel and devil in me is fighting so damn hard to win, and the devil always win.

But, I'm truly glad I took the courage, or rather, finally have the courage to take the first step out to just try. With the courage of A too - thank you. :) It's like it's destined or something, how everything fall into place. Last minute (again) traveling down, didn't have anything prepared, went with a empty mindset and feelings, how it's just before I turn 27.

The whole experience was nerve wrecking. Not too sure if I will have the courage and confidence to try again, but I do know and I'm a tad disappointed with the second session. I knew I might/could have stand a chance to make it if I didn't screw it up. :(

It's Jay Chou's concert today too!! A lot felt this year's concert was not good, which I totally agree. As compared to his concert 2 years ago, that was definitely so much better. I knew for a sure fact I enjoyed the previous concert better than this year's. I enjoyed the company though. :)

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